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Where Did All The Workers Go?

Where Did All The Workers Go?

Chamber of Commerce Executives of Ohio – CCEO
ChamberCon Winter Conference
February 23-24, 2023
Roughly 90 of my colleagues from across Ohio attended.
Where Did All The Workers Go?
The session was conducted by the following:

  • John Trott  - Executive Director, Ohio Workforce Board
  • Christine Marshall – Summit/Medina County Workforce Area
The labor shortage is not benefit related, it is not going away any time soon
There are 2 ways of identifying a workforce:
  • Current Population – unemployed & those out of the workforce
  • Immigrants
Since the……
  • 1950’s  - men have been declining in the workforce, prime age women has been increasing
  • 1960’s – the World has had a declining population, no country is replacing their workforce pipeline; each couple needs 2.1 children to create more workers
  • 1970’s – prime age men has been declining
                A 1% drop in statistics represents 1.7M workers
  • 2020 – women left the workforce due to closure of schools & daycare
Christine Marshall and her team surveyed 800 individuals in 3 counties; Summit, Medina, Portage
Their findings are below:
  • Part-Time work may work best for people
  • First Line Supervisors or boss was cause of 12% to leave the workforce
  • Additional training is needed to keep employees
  • Salary information need to be posting in job posting
  • 30% of respondents changed their work situation – this number is astounding!
  • Many quit their jobs and opened their own business – entrepreneurship
  • People are moving between jobs
  • Flexible schedules are important to people
  • Gen Z wants mental health coverage
Some basic solutions –
  • Have flexible work environments
  • Creative work environments
  • Make recruitment process simpler & easier
  • Look at skill level, stress level, schedule
  • Let workers grow into jobs through targeted training
  • Recruit H.S. students
  • Work to retain your employees
  • Conduct Stay Interviews with employees – “what do you want?”
Should you want to continue the conversation, feel free to reach out –

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